MakeFmt version 1.0.0 is released

As mentioned in yesterday’s blog post about MQEdit V9.2.1, we have focused on improving MQEdit’s support for COBOL described IBM MQ messages. One part of that was the creation of a free utility called MakeFmt, which can convert your COBOL copybook into an MQEdit User Format file. This then makes it possible to be able to view your MQ messages in their full, field by field, format.

This blog post hopes to illustrate some of the capabilities of the MakeFmt utility and we’ll start with a little COBOL structure, created to illustrate several of the features of MakeFmt in as small a space as possible.

Example COBOL copybook CUST.cpy
       01  CUST.
         10  FULL-NAME                PIC X(30).
         10  ADDRESS-LINE             PIC X(40) OCCURS 4 TIMES.
         10  CUSTOMER-NUMBER          PIC 9(05) COMP SYNC.
         10  NUM-INVOICES             PIC 9(05) COMP.
           20  INVOICE-NUMBER         PIC 9(10).
               30 DEPT                PIC X(04).
                  88  HARDWARE VALUE '1047'.
                  88  SOFTWARE VALUE '5729'.
                  88  SERVICES VALUE '7632'.
               30 CUST-ID             PIC 9(04).
               30 UNIQUE-NUMBER       PIC 9(02).
           20  INVOICE-DATE           PIC S9(7) COMP-3.
           20  INVOICE-TYPE           PIC X(01).
               88  RECUR-ANNUAL  VALUE 'A'.
               88  RECUR-MONTHLY VALUE 'M'.
               88  ONE-OFF       VALUE 'O'.
           20  PO-NUMBER              PIC 9(10).
           20  INVOICE-TOTAL          PIC S9(5)V9(2) COMP-3.
         10  OVERALL-TOTAL            PIC S9(7)V9(2) COMP-3.

To show you the result first, here is how MQEdit could display an MQ message of this shape. I’ve just showed the first member of the array of invoices for the sake of brevity.

[  292 bytes] CUST
FULL_NAME      :'PAUL CLARKE                   '
ADDRESS_LINE array [1..4]
           [1] :'1600 PENNSYLVANIA AVE                   '
           [2] :'WASHINGTON DC                           '
           [3] :'U.S.A.                                  '
           [4] :'                                        '
INVOICE array [1..3]
[   92 bytes] INVOICE
INVOICE_DATE  :2020056                  25th February 2020 
PO_NUMBER     :'9776543210'
End of structure 'INVOICE' (29 bytes)

So how do we get there. Well, very simply, you can take your COBOL copybook, in my example called CUST.cpy, and run it through MakeFmt with the following command.

makefmt -i CUST.cpy

This will create you a file called CUST.fmt with a starting struct called CUST and you can add the following to a file that MQEdit uses to find User Formats and you’re off and running.

include "CUST.fmt"

  struct CUST;

MakeFmt mapping COBOL to MQEdit User Formats

MakeFmt doesn’t do anything you couldn’t have done by hand manually, but with a big copybook, you might prefer to have a program do it for you, since its speeds things up. There are no secrets here though. Let’s take a look at how MakeFmt translates from one to the other. In case you want to see it all at once, here’s the full output CUST.fmt file.

Generated MQEdit User Format file CUST.fmt
enum DEPT_enum
  "1047",  "HARDWARE";
  "5729",  "SOFTWARE";
  "7632",  "SERVICES";

enum INVOICE_TYPE_enum
  "O",  "ONE_OFF";

  char           DEPT[4](DEPT_enum);
  char           CUST_ID[4];
  char           UNIQUE_NUMBER[2];

struct INVOICE
  char           INVOICE_NUMBER[10];
  packed(7)      INVOICE_DATE;
  char           INVOICE_TYPE(INVOICE_TYPE_enum);
  char           PO_NUMBER[10];
  packed(5.2)    INVOICE_TOTAL;

struct CUST
  char           FULL_NAME[30];
  char           ADDRESS_LINE[40][4];
  uint           CUSTOMER_NUMBER;
  uint           NUM_INVOICES;
  struct         INVOICE[NUM_INVOICES];
  packed(7.2)    OVERALL_TOTAL;

MakeFmt know COBOL data types

MakeFmt knows how to map various COBOL data types into MQEdit User Format data types. Here are a few examples. A more exhaustive list can be found in the MakeFmt User Guide.

  • PIC X(n) maps to char[n]
  • PIC S9(n) COMP-3 maps to packed(n)
  • PIC 9(n) COMP maps to ushort/uint/uint64 (and depending on your minimum binary size uint8)
  • PIC 9(n) COMP-1/2 maps to float/double

MakeFmt translates COBOL groups

A COBOL group will become an MQEdit User Format struct. You can see this illustrated in our example looking at the INVOICE group. It is mapped to an INVOICE struct.

MakeFmt creating arrays

The COBOL keyword OCCURS becomes an MQEdit User Format array. The ADDRESS_LINE field is an example of a static array.
When we add the COBOL DEPENDING ON clause, then we get a variable array as the struct INVOICE shows.

MakeFmt creates value sets as enum definitions

When you have a number of level 88 statements, these can often to mapped into enumeration definitions. It is only really useful with single value statements, so at the moment MakeFmt ignores any ranges or multiple value statements, and just uses the single values to make up an enum. Look at INVOICE_TYPE field to see how this has translated. These enum definitions also add greatly to the formatted output in MQEdit as you’ll see if you look at the INVOICE_TYPE field in that output display I showed earlier.

MakeFmt offers you the choice of whether to use REDEFINED fields or not

If, as in our example, you have REDEFINED fields and you’d prefer to use those in your MQEdit User Format, you can tell MakeFmt to create the format using those fields as follows:-


This will generate a slightly different output using the REDEFINED field instead of the original field as was done in the first example.

We were very fortunate to be able to seed this project with a substantial COBOL copybook along with some sample MQ messages made using that copybook donated to us from an MQ customer. We would love to receive other challenging sample messages with their copybooks from anyone who is willing or able to supply them to us.

As with all tools, it is likely easier to understand the usage by trying it out yourself. MakeFmt is a free utility so you don’t need a licence for it. To view messages with your created formats you will need MQEdit. If you don’t already have MQEdit, and would like to try it, please send an email to and a 1-month trial licence will be sent to you.

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