MO71 Application Monitoring

MO71, our GUI administration tool for IBM MQ, has a feature called Application Monitoring. This feature takes output from the queue manager DISPLAY CONN command to show you the applications currently using your queue manager in pictorial form.

MO71 Application Monitoring

MO71 can display your application connections in pictorial form

The display can be configured to ignore certain connections, for example internal queue manager processes, and give nicknames to applications instead of using the executable name on the display. You can also configure MO71 to understand that certain applications whose APPLTAGs may look different on the output from DISPLAY CONN are actually the same application. For example, running the amqsput sample from a Windows client and a Linux client will look different because on Windows the full path (up to a maximum of 28 characters) will be included in the APPLTAG whereas from Linux only the executable name will be used.

You can request MO71 notify you if there are either too many or too few instances of an application running – helpful if you have queues which should always be being processed for example. The minimum and maximum expected connections is configured for each application and then notifications will be sent to the MO71 console.

Monitoring Notification on Console

MO71 Console showing Application Monitoring notification

The diagram that shows the applications currently using your queue manager, also shows the objects used by these applications. The arrows on the diagram indicate the type of use, for example input or output. MO71 also remembers the last time it saw the application using the queue (and this information is retained across an MO71 and queue manager restart) thus allowing a way to look back on a queue and its usage (as far back as the use of this feature in the tool). This can allow you to gain a sense of when a queue was last used. It is also useful to be able to determine which applications make use of a particular queue.

The pictorial display has a number of icons to show that the application is running, not running, or in error (i.e. it does not meet the criteria you configured for the number of instances). As with all MO71 icons, you can change the icons to your own ones to tailor the diagram as you want. Each different application known to MO71 can be given a different icon if you wish. Here’s an example set of icons that Paul used to demonstrate this feature at GSE France last year.

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If this feature interests you and you’d like to try it out for yourself, you can download MO71 from the MQGem website and if you don’t currently have a licence, you may email to request a trial licence.

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